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Edit a pipeline

What are the core building blocks of pipelines?

  • A pipeline is a file in your .katoa/ folder.
  • A job is a container that executes code.
  • A step is script (bash or deno) that runs in a job's container

What does a pipeline look like?

import { Pipeline, Job } from "";

const job = new Job({
  name: "My First Job",
  image: "ubuntu:22.04",
  steps: [
      name: "Run bash",
      run: "echo Hello from bash!",
      name: "Run deno/typescript",
      run: () => {
        console.log("Hello from deno typescript");
        console.log("I can read the local file system");
        console.log("Or I can see environment variables");
        console.log("The container's username is " + Deno.env.get("USER"));

export default new Pipeline([job]);
import { Pipeline, Job } from "";

const job = new Job({
  name: "My First Job",
  image: "ubuntu:22.04",
  steps: [
      name: "Run bash",
      run: "echo Hello from bash!",
      name: "Run deno/typescript",
      run: () => {
        console.log("Hello from deno typescript");
        console.log("I can read the local file system");
        console.log("Or I can see environment variables");
        console.log("The container's username is " + Deno.env.get("USER"));

export default new Pipeline([job]);

What should my pipeline do?

Teams create pipelines for the following reasons:

  • build code (e.g. with tools like turbo, make, or bazel)
  • test code (e.g. with tools like cypress or jest)
  • deploy infrastructure (e.g. with tools like aws or terraform)
  • release code (e.g. to npm or cargo package registry)
  • release artifacts (e.g. to artifactory or github)
  • interact with software tools (e.g. close PRs in github or send a message in slack)

How do I edit my pipeline?

Katoa's SDK lets you do all of the above and more - it's incredibly flexible.

Learn more by reading our SDK docs, playing with pipeline examples, or setting up autocomplete/intellisense